Red Bull Ring Straße 1
A-8724 Spielberg
Early bird rate for 1 day: 50.00 € (Friday, Saturday or Sunday)
Early bird rate for 2 days: 75.00 € (Friday+Saturday, Friday+Sunday or Saturday+Sunday)
Early bird rate for 3 days: 100.00 € (Friday to Sunday)
On-site rate: 100.00 €/p. Day (cash only on site)
The bus ticket must be displayed in a visible place behind the windscreen
Bus parking spots are limited.
Arrival recommendation:
Buses should arrive before 9 am to avoid heavy traffic expected afterwards
All buses must take the Knittelfeld West exit (and follow the guidance system afterwards)
Bus parking lot is open from 7 am (parking spots are assigned on site)
Departure for buses on the day of the event possible from 7 p.m. at the earliest (no restrictions until 3 pm)
Please consider this when planning your arrival & departure.