Motorrad Grand Prix von Österreich 2025

Spielberg - Red Bull Ring

15.08.2025 - 17.08.2025

Motorrad Grand Prix von Österreich 2025

15.08.2025* - 17.08.2025* | Spielberg - Red Bull Ring

*Datum vorbehaltlich Bestätigung!
Camping Orange
Kurt Schindelbacher
Birkachweg 13, 8724 Spielberg
Telephone: +43 664 177 39 40

Minimum stay: 3 nights
Last possible arrival: Friday, 15. August (limited access on Saturday, 16. August - possible delay)
Children: up to an age of 14 years free of charge

Local tax (EUR 2.00 per person per night) is included in the price.

Toilet and shower facilities availiable on site, electricity avaliable (due to the rising energy costs we unfortunately have to charge € 10,00 per lot and night for electricity, these are added to the packacke price). Please do not use electric cooking and heating equipment. BBQ (charcoal, gas) is permitted only in suitable devices (no open fires allowed!) Charging electric vehicles is not allowed! According to the law on pyrotechnics 2010 the setting off of fireworks in the area of the campsite as well as around the event venues is strictly prohibited! Any case of disregard is subject to a period of up to 4 weeks imprisonment or a financial penalty of up to € 4.360,--

Definition Lot - MULTITRACK

o 1 Site for a Car + 1 Site for a Tent or
o 1 Site for a Car + 1 Site for a Caravan or
o 1 Site for a Mobil home
o Pitch Size: 30m2
o Motorhomes from a length of more than 7 meters need 2 pitches!

Definition Lot - SINGLE-TRACK

o 1 Site for 1 motorbike and 1 tent
o Pitch size 20m2, not parceled

Date chooser

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* All prices incl. taxes and excl. shipping