Camping Violett (Eibegger):
Moosheim, 8724 Spielberg
GPS: 47° 12 56" N 14#176 46 17" O
Telefon: +43 664 48 000 29
Kontakt : Herr Eibegger
Minimum stay: 3 nights
Last possible arrival: Friday, 15. August (limited access on Saturday, 16. August - possible delay)
Children: up to an age of 14 years free of charge
Local tax (EUR 2.00 per person per night) is included in the price.
Toilet and shower facilities availiable on site, electricity avaliable (electricity is included on the pitch price, except camping pink).
Please do not use electric cooking and heating equipment.
BBQ (charcoal, gas) is permitted only in suitable devices (no open fires allowed!)
Definition Lot - MULTITRACK
o 1 Site for a Car + 1 Site for a Tent or
o 1 Site for a Car + 1 Site for a Caravan or
o 1 Site for a Mobil home
o Pitch Size: 30m2
o Motorhomes from a length of more than 7 meters need
2 pitches!
Definition Lot - SINGLE-TRACK
o 1 Site for 1 motorbike and 1 tent
o Pitch size 20m2, not parceled